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Name:Alex Dybenko

Location:Moscow, Russia

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Access 2000 compatibility issues

There are some clients, who still using Access 2000. I can't say this is a good choice, but can't blame they either - if program works - why should they upgrade it? Developer can easy work on Access XP or 2003 to build a application for Access 2000, this is what I am also doing, but have to be aware that MDB, built on later Access version is not 100% compatible with Access 2000. Actually Object model enhancements cause this, for example OpenArgs argument in Docmd.OpenReport and AddItem/Remove for Listbox. Further more - you can compile MDE file for Access 2000 only on Access 2000. This is one more reason to have All kinds on Access version installed. BTW, I have installed all versions since Access 2.0 on my notebook, still have one client using "GOODS" on Access 2.0, and it works!


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