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Name:Alex Dybenko

Location:Moscow, Russia

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Microsoft Office Access database engine 2007 setup

Microsoft Office Access database engine 2007 setup can be found at Microsoft Downloads. Access 2007 introduced a new database format, and using this setup you don’t need to install Access 2007 in order to connect to Access 2007 database from .NET or Delphi, whatever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to include this database engine setup file in my application's installer, but since both of them are .msi files the database engine setup fails with error 1500: "Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Alex Dybenko said...

can't say for sure what is a best way, depends on installer, but should be a way to include msi in setup. pls check documnetation

5:55 PM  
Blogger Jasmeet said...

Hi Alex,

I have developed a system based application for my client with front end in and back wnd in access 2007. Now my client says if he can just run the application with Access 2007 database engine...I have searched a lot on internet and could not find out what it is. Can you please help me.


10:26 PM  
Blogger Alex Dybenko said...

not sure i understand completely, but if you have a backend in Access 2007 format - then you already use Access 2007 database engine, there is no other way to access it

10:10 AM  
Blogger Jasmeet said...

Hi Alex,

My Client doesnot want to buy microsoft aceess 2007 for back end operations and wants to know if he can run the application just by installing the data base engine 2007. I mean he is wondering if he can only work with database engine and can avoid buying the Microsoft Access 2007

3:24 PM  
Blogger Alex Dybenko said...

if your front end in - then you can install Microsoft Office Access database engine 2007 and use it from VB.NET, no need to buy Access. You can also build your FE on Access and then install free access runtime on the client

3:46 PM  
Blogger Jasmeet said...

Thanks Alex...I will forward this post to my developer...He has worked on only Projects that has Access 2007 in the back end but it would be of great help if you can just provide me with some reference link or help on chat on how can we do this.
my id :

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Microsoft said...

Really great! I"ll shoot you an email.

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Andrea said...

Good shaare

5:43 PM  

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