Why Fixed Bid Software Projects Are a Bad Idea
A very good article by Armen Stein, Access MVP
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A very good article by Armen Stein, Access MVP
Labels: Tutorials
More code on conversion Access database to other database types:
exportSQL is a Microsoft Access module which exports Access Database into MySQL, mSQL and PostgreSQL. It's based on work of Pedro Freire. [fm] [CVS]
There is also a GUI version, kindly donated by Marc Breneiser <mbreneiser(at)whgrp(dot)com> which is especially useful if your Access database is already converted to .mde files. Zip Conversion.zip includes .exe and source in VB.
Quoted from *SQL-ish projects page of Dobrica Pavlinusic.
Labels: Upsizing
Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.1 – scripts your database, schema and data, into single text file, so you can recreate it on remote server where only web-based panel available.
Labels: SQL Server
Thanks to Garry Robinson, Access MVP, who made Smart Access available again!
BTW, some articles are available at MSDN site.
Labels: Access