Monday, December 26, 2011

Replace special characters for XML

If you are writing custom function for XML export – do not forget to replace predefined XML characters, else XML parsing function may fail. There are only 5 characters, so function looks pretty simple:

Function XMLSpecialChars(ByVal varText As Variant) As String 
  varText = varText & ""
  varText = Replace(varText, "&", "&")
  varText = Replace(varText, "'", "'")
  varText = Replace(varText, """", """)
  varText = Replace(varText, ">", ">")
  varText = Replace(varText, "<", "&lt;")
  XMLSpecialChars = varText
End Function


  1. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for posting this. Just what I needed, but.....

    Besides the Special Characters XML uses I ran into trouble with our European special characters like ë

    So I've expanded your function into:

    Function XMLSpecialChars(ByVal varText As Variant) As String
    'This function replaces the Special Characters used by XML
    'and the non-standard ASCII characters (like ë) so the returned string
    'will throw no error when opening the XML in a browser.

    Dim i As Integer

    'The XMLSpecialChars
    varText = varText & ""
    varText = Replace(varText, "&", "&")
    varText = Replace(varText, "'", "'")
    varText = Replace(varText, """", """)
    varText = Replace(varText, ">", ">")
    varText = Replace(varText, "<", "<")

    'The ASCII SpecialChars

    'Loop through the field and inspect every character to be between 0 and 127,
    'If not, replace it by the string: &#;
    For i = Len(varText) To 1 Step -1
    If Asc(Mid(varText, i, 1)) > 127 Then
    ' replace character by it's ascii value and append the already inspected string
    varText = Mid(varText, 1, i - 1) & "&#" & Asc(Mid(varText, i, 1)) & ";" & Mid(varText, i + 1)
    End If

    XMLSpecialChars = varText

    End Function



  2. Thanks for update, Nico!
