Friday, November 02, 2012

What’s changed or removed in Access 2013

Changes in Office 2013:

  • ADP fully removed - ok, I tried to use it several times, no luck. MDB with linked tables is much better approach
  • Access data collection - the idea was good, but never used it. Now its much easier to made data collection on SharePoint server or ASP.NET application.
  • Access 2003 Menus and toolbar - I would like to have them available…
  • Replication, source control - did not use it for a long time
  • Upsizing wizard - we can use one this older version, not a big deal


BTW, few days ago it was Access 20th Anniversary! 20 years and still in a good shape!

Access 1.0 Oct. 28, 1992


  1. Aren't ADPs and the Upsizing Wizard kind of redundant, now that Access is using a SQL Server backend natively?

  2. it is for older data living in Access.

  3. Actually Access can use SQL Server backend from version 1.0 or 1.1...
