Saturday, November 15, 2014

Security Update MS14-066 causes major performance problems in Microsoft Access / SQL Server applications


Update: Switching to "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" ODBC driver helps to avoid performance issues, looks like update has effect on default "SQL Server" driver only


  1. Hi Alex
    Thanks for pointing out this blog post. However, I believe that the title shoud be "Security Update MS14-066 *can* cause major performance problems..."

    In the following configuration I do not experience any performance problems with the security update installed:

    - Windows Sever 2008R2
    - SQL Server 2012
    - Acess 2010 Runtime
    - ODBC Driver both {SQL Server} and {SQL Server Native Client 11.0}
    - Login with both Trusted Connection and SQL Server Login
    - Remote Desktop Access with Citrix XenApp

    Note there is no domain and Active Director involved, and there is no ODBC acces over the network.
    So it remains to be determined under which exact conditions these performance problems occur.

    Matthias Kläy
    Kläy Computing AG

  2. Hi Matthias,
    thanks for update, there are still lot of people who were hit but this update, but not all, this is correct
