Worth reading:
Microsoft SQL Server Express: Version Comparison Matrix and Free Downloads
For the first time, all the different versions of SQL Server Express from 2005 to 2014 are shown, compared, and referenced with download links. I can’t even begin to share how time consuming it was to put this together and go through all the details of which O/S each version supports. Just because Microsoft web pages list the versions they support don’t necessarily mean it works when you actually try to install it. I’m sure there are still some minor inaccuracies among the SP releases. Let me know if you’ve experienced something different from what we’ve listed.
Automating the Backup of Your Microsoft SQL Server Express Databases
If you’re using SQL Server Express, you still need to create backups of the database. Here’s how to automate it which wasn’t easy to discover.
When and How to Upsize Microsoft Access Databases to SQL Server
The original version of this was written when Microsoft selected us to do a joint Access to SQL Server Upsizing campaign a decade ago. I’ve updated it to better explain why and why not people should upsize their Access databases and an overview of what the options are and what to do.
Microsoft Access to SQL Server Upsizing Resource Center
Our new Upsizing site with links to our whitepapers and Microsoft resources that help with the whole upsizing process and use of SQL Server Express.
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