Microsoft Access Error Number and Error Description Reference
Microsoft Access Error Number and Error Description Reference, by Luke Chung, President of FMS, Inc.
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Microsoft Access Error Number and Error Description Reference, by Luke Chung, President of FMS, Inc.
When you want to run some function from DLL, and declare this function, DLL should be in windows\system32 folder, or some folder motioned in PATH variable, else you have to specify a path to it. But what if you don’t know a path to DLL, if it shipped with your application and can be installed at any place? How to load dll from user specified path code sample shows this. MAPISendMail function declaration is used just for sample, please make sure that you replace it with right declaration before running the code
I wrote some export to DBF (yes, people still using DBF to exchange data!) routine today, and looked for some function to check that field name is valid. Have found nothing, so I wrote my own. Here it is, if you think something should be added – please write in comments:
Function IsValidFieldName(strFieldName As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
'first check that is does not start with number
IsValidFieldName = Not (strFieldName Like "#*")
For i = 1 To Len(strFieldName)
Select Case True 'then check for allowed chars
Case Mid(strFieldName, i, 1) Like "[a-z]"
Case Mid(strFieldName, i, 1) Like "[0-9]"
Case Mid(strFieldName, i, 1) Like "_"
Case Else
'found something - not passed
IsValidFieldName = False
Exit For
End Select
Next i
End Function
Access Translator works now also in Access 2007. Last time, when I tried to upgrade it, I was stopped by DoCmd.SelectObject bug. But now this bug was fixed in Office 2007 SP1, and furthermore I found another workaround, so it should work in any currently existing Access 2007 version. But if you find any problem running it – kindly let me know!
Registered users can get new version for free, just let me know.
One day, our server that hosts MS SQL is crashed. May be this is caused by some worms that infected the Windows system, or maybe it is caused by crashed in physical media storage, or maybe whatever.
Upon restarted, about 40% instances of the database collection in MS SQL Server (we are using SQL 2000) turned gray or suspected. So I choosed one of the database to be examined.
Read more about one way to recover SQL Server 2000 database.