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Name:Alex Dybenko

Location:Moscow, Russia

Thursday, May 31, 2012

ImportXML method "Cannot establish connection to the server" error

My friend Peter, Access MVP, was recently puzzled by weird error, produced by simple line:

Application.ImportXML strPathFile, acStructureAndData

Runtime error was 31521 "Cannot establish connection to the server". There was no any network connection involved, strPathFile was as simple as "C:\Temp\Customer.xml". This xml file has been generated by:

Application.ExportXML acExportQuery, strQuery, _
strPathFile, , , , , acEmbedSchema

It turned out that Access Trust Center option "ActiveX Settings" was a source of such error, it was set to "Disable all controls without notification". Once it was changed to "Prompt me before enabling all controls …" – it works!


Thanks for sharing, Peter!

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Access to MySQL and PostgreSQL offers 3 utilities, useful for Access developers:

Access To MySQL

Access To PostgreSQL

Access To MSSQL; for Access t0 SQL conversion we also have Upsizing tools and SSMA.

Also check out other useful utilities like Free PDF printer and Color Syntax.


Thanks to Daniel Pineault for link!

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